We are pleased and proud to announce that we are a founder member of Polish Cyber Security Cluster appointed by #CyberMadeInPoland – the platform to cooperate and promote polish industry IT-Sec.
Together with other members we are committed to shaping and developing safe cyberspace in Poland. Cluster supports the promotion of cybersecurity sector together with scientific institutions, public administration bodies, international corporations and other partners. Cluster’s mission is to create the common area of promoting polish solutions – not only in Poland but also beyond our country’s borders. Ambition of ICsec is to create polish standards of cybersecurity. Especially we are proud of the opportunities that Cluster gives in the area of creating national politics and certification system. In the face of increasing threats, it is important to make national indsutry using native solutions which best understand its specification. Cluster membership enable cooperation in such cases not only with other partners but also with scientific institutions or international business units.
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