
Zastosowane algorytmy sztucznej inteligencji pozwalają na natychmiastowe ostrzeganie o nietypowej aktywności minimalizując liczbę zgłaszanych fałszywych alarmów. Umożliwia to niezwłoczne reagowanie na pojawiające się nieprawidłowości lub zagrożenia – także takie, które nie występowały wcześniej w innych sieciach.
System Scadvance XP

How it works?


Scadvance XP® monitors industrial networks not at their edges, as standard IT systems do, but gathers information directly from their inside, analyzing all packet traffic sent.

The hardware interfaces used allow for monitoring and connection to all types of industrial automation networks, thanks to which the people responsible for security in the organization have real-time visualization of all existing connections and devices. Thereby, an overview of possible undesirable communication in the OT is provided.

  • Continuous monitoring with reports on request
  • Recording of traffic possible
  • Monitoring the activities of external suppliers
  • Immediate visibility of the network map
  • Gathering information about connected devices


  • RS-485
  • RS-232
  • RS-422
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SCADvance XP in PKP Energetyka - Case Study
Read about the implementation of SCADvance XP in PKP Energetyka
Ericsson-Logo 1
ICsec and Ericsson
Is it possible to provide a high level of security for industrial automation systems using a wireless network? Practical tests of SCADvance XP software have demonstrated that it is.   Ericsson is a global company founded in 1876 in Stockholm. Ericsson is a provider of solutions and services to telecommunications operators. The company operates in 175 […]
ICsec begins cooperation with CLICO
ICsec begins cooperation with CLICO – a leading VAD distributor. ICsec – the leader in the industrial infrastructure security market, has signed a distribution agreement with CLICO – the largest specialized distributor with added value (VAD) on the Polish and Central and Eastern European markets. ICsec is the producer of the SCADVANCE XP solution, an […]
Implementation of Scadvance XP in PKP Energetyka
PKP Energetyka has been operating in the Polish market since 2001, specializing primarily in the sale and distribution of electricity to rail carriers and other business customers. In addition, PKP Energetyka provides electricity services throughout the country and sells liquid fuels to railroad companies. PKP Energetyka’s development plan includes modernization of network infrastructure and introduction of new technologies for analyzing […]

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